We’ve provided this Privacy Policy, which sets forth our terms regarding the collection, use and protection ofthe personal information of those using the website. Personal information means information that can belinked to a specific individual, such as name, address, ip address, telephone number, e-mail address and creditcard number.
We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy, and become familiar with it, but you should know that we do notsell or rent our customers’ personal information to any third parties.
Please note that we review our Privacy Policy from time to time, and we may make periodic changes to the policyin connection with that review. Therefore, you may wish to bookmark this page and/or periodically review thispage to make sure that you have the current version.
This Privacy Policy explains the following:
What personal information does gather from me and how is this When browsing our site, you are notrequired to provide any personal information unless and until you choose to make a purchase or sign up for oneof our e-mail newsletters or other services as described below. We do not knowingly permit the site to be usedby any person under the age of eighteen and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children(meaning those younger than thirteen years of age).
Making a Purchase
In order to purchase travel and related services through our site, you must provide us with certain personalinformation such as your name, your credit card number and expiration date, your credit card billing address,your telephone number, your e-mail address and the name or names of the person(s) traveling.
Member Registration
If you choose to become a registered member of cpipropertymanagement.propertywaresites.com, you must provide your name, e-mail address,a unique login name and password. Other information may be collected on a voluntary basis. As a cpipropertymanagement.propertywaresites.commember you will also occasionally receive updates from us about fare sales in your area, special offers, new services, and other noteworthy items. However, you may choose at any time to no longer receive thesetypes of e-mail messages. By supplying a phone number, it is implied that you are giving us consent to contactyou regardless if the phone number is listed in any “Do not call” lists.
Member Profile
As a cpipropertymanagement.propertywaresites.com member, you can choose to complete your online profile by providing us with travelpreferences. This information is primarily used to assist us in finding the most suitable travel deal for you.With your login and password, you can at anytime update or remove supplied information.
Automatic Logging of Session Data
We automatically log generic information about your computer’s connection to the Internet, which we call”session data”. Session data consists of things such as IP address, operating system and type of browsersoftware being used and the activities conducted by the user while on our site. An IP address is a number thatlets computers attached to the Internet, such as our web servers, know where to send data back to the user, suchas the pages of the site the user wishes to view. We collect session data because it helps us analyze suchthings as what items visitors are likely to click on most, the way visitors are clicking through the site, howmany visitors are surfing to various pages on the site, how long visitors to the site are staying and how oftenthey are visiting. It also helps us diagnose problems with our servers and lets us better administer oursystems. It is possible to determine from an IP address a visitor’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) and theapproximate geographic location of his or her point of connectivity. We may also use some session data, such asthe pages you visited on our site, to send you e-mail unless you had previously opted out of receiving suchmessages.
“Cookies” are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Thereare many myths circulating about cookies, but you should know that cookies are only read by the server thatplaced them, and are unable to do such things as run programs on your computer, plant viruses or harvest yourpersonal information. The use of cookies is very common on the Internet and cpipropertymanagement.propertywaresites.com’s use of cookies issimilar to that of such sites as Expedia and Travelocity, as well as Google, CNN.com and other reputable onlinecompanies.
First and foremost, you can rest assured that no personal information about you is gathered or stored in thecookies placed by the cpipropertymanagement.propertywaresites.com website and, as a result, none can be passed on to any third parties.
Cookies allow us to serve you better and more efficiently, and to personalize your experience at our site.
A cookie may also be placed by our advertising server. Such cookies are used only for purposes of tracking theeffectiveness of advertising served by us on our site and no personal information about you is gathered from youby the use of these cookies, nor is this information shared with any third parties. Similarly, a cookie may beplaced by our third-party advertising companies. These companies may use aggregated statistics about your visitsto this and other web sites in order to provide advertisements about travel-related goods and services that youmay be interested in. The information they collect does not include your personal information.
The third-party advertising companies may also employ technology that is used to measure the effectiveness ofads. Any such information is anonymous. They may use this anonymous information about your visits to this andother sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of potential interest to you. Nopersonal information about you is collected during this process. The information is anonymous and does not linkonline actions to an identifiable person.
Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. Of course, by changing the options on your web browser or usingcertain software programs, you can control how and whether cookies will be accepted by your browser. supports your right to block any unwanted Internet activity, especially that of unscrupulous websites. However,blocking cpipropertymanagement.propertywaresites.com cookies may disable certain features on our site and may make it impossible to purchaseor use certain services available on the site. Please note that it is possible to block cookie activity fromcertain web sites while permitting cookies from sites you trust, like cpipropertymanagement.propertywaresites.com.
From time to time we may add or enhance services available on the site. To the extent these services areprovided and used by you, we will use the information you provide to facilitate the service requested. Forexample, if you email us with a question, we will use your email address, phone number, name, nature of thequestion, etc. to respond to your question. We may also store such information to assist us in making the sitethe better and easier to use.
Remarketing List:
implemented and use Display Advertising. The Google Analytics features we’ve implemented are based onDisplayed Advertising (e.g., Remarketing). Visitors can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising andcustomize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Preferences Manager.
uses Remarketing with Google Analytics to advertise online. Third-party vendors, including Google, showyour ads on sites across the Internet.
and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie)and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based onsomeone’s past visits to your website.
Thank you for usingcpipropertymanagement.propertywaresites.com!